In the middle of a world wide pandemic, I never thought the night I convinced my husband I needed to follow this passion, it would turn into this.

My earliest memory of photography being in my life was when I was 10 years old. I begged my parents for a digital camera and at my 10th birthday party, they surprised me with one! My friend's and I stayed up the rest of the night taking awful flash pictures and pretending to be super models. (What I would give to see those pictures!!) From that moment, I tried to talk to anyone into modeling for me! My cousins next door were usually my only clients at the time but in high school I did FOUR senior sessions and thought I was THAT photographer!

Fast forward through a lot of self doubt and un-wanted opinions, 2020 comes around. After helping a photography friend with a few sessions and one pandemic later, I decided it was time! And as they say, the rest is history! I've never been so passionate and felt more like myself than I do with a camera in my hand! Besides raising our precious daughter along side my husband, photography is my purpose and I am so thankful I took the leap!

Bride + Groom Portraits
Bride + Groom Portraits

Lo's faves

I love starting off the day with beautiful details! I consider this my “warm up” time. These details allow me to be creative from the moment I begin shooting on your wedding day! I love having this time to prepare for the rest of your day!
Bride + Groom Portraits

Lo's faves

Portrait time with the bride and groom is hands down my favorite part of the day! This is when I produce my best work and when my couples really get to enjoy being together on their wedding day. I especially love the moment when the groom sees his bride for the first time! If I could photograph first looks all day long, I would!
Bride + Groom Portraits

Lo's faves

I am a huge lover of dancing! When everyone is cutting up on the dance floor and celebrating the love they had just witnessed it is such a fun experience! I especially love when the older generation get involved and start dancing too! When given the chance, I have no problem joining my couples on the dance floor!